Hair loss diagnosis

Experience and expertise of 25 years in hair and alopecia treatments have proved  us that a proper and effective treatment requires thorough and detailed diagnosis.
Hair loss is caused by a variety of reasons. From seasonal and non-significant hair loss, to hereditary predisposition and hair loss due to pathological causes.
Some forms of hair loss are only temporary and others create stable and permanent thinning in hair density.
Some people lose a lot of hair and some less, some lose them in a short time and at a young age and others slowly and steadily.
We have all the necessary scientific tools and all the modern treatments for hair loss, withpersonalized suggestions and advices depending on the incident.

The scientific diagnosis for the treatment of hair loss includes:

  • Medical history
  • Hair loss history
  • Densitometry,we call the process of measuring the hair density in a diluted and donor area per square centimeter..
  • Trichogram,we call the results processing by our clinic's doctor which provides ussafe prediction for the procedure and progression of hair loss, as well it gives us safe conclusions about the treatment that should be followed.


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